Azure - Exam

AZ-900: 135 Questions



Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900): 135 Questions

Lots of big companies are still running applications on their local servers, which puts a ton of strain on their infrastructure. But guess what? By hopping on the cloud computing bandwagon, they can save on costs and get way better performance over time.

Check out the download page. Enjoy & Best of Luck!

Here is Microsoft official documentation: Exam AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals

Important: The English language version of this exam is updated on July 31, 2023. Click here (video) to understand.

Is AZ-900 exam worth it?

As the demand for fancy-pants applications keeps growing, more and more companies are turning to cloud computing solutions. That means they need cloud computing pros like crazy! That's where the AZ-900, aka Azure Fundamentals exam, comes into play. It's the way to show off your knowledge about all the amazing stuff Azure can do. We're talking security and privacy, cloud concepts, Azure services, Azure workloads, and even how pricing and support work.

If you're already down with the general tech lingo – networking, storage, compute, application support, and development – then the AZ-900 certification is your ticket to making big waves in your career. So, get on it and show the world you've got what it takes to rock it in Azure!" Here are some great reasons why you should consider going for it:

  • Perfect Azure Training:
  • If you're just starting out or have some IT experience but want to dive into Azure, AZ-900 is the ideal training for you. It covers all the basics and sets you up with a solid foundation.

  • Global Job Opportunities:
  • As the demand for cloud computing keeps soaring, there are countless job opportunities available worldwide, especially in multinational companies. With the AZ-900 certificate in your pocket, you can explore these exciting roles.

  • Enhanced Job Performance:
  • This certification equips you with practical knowledge that can boost your performance in any cloud computing role. You'll be more confident and competent in your job, which employers love to see.

  • Recognition and Appreciation:
  • IT pros with the AZ-900 certification are highly valued and appreciated in the workforce. Your skills will be recognized, which can lead to promotions and salary hikes.

  • Better Hiring Prospects:
  • Even if you're new to the industry, having the AZ-900 certification gives you a competitive edge in job interviews. Employers will take notice of your expertise, and that's a huge advantage.

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Real Cloud certifications | Exam questions with answers

Full Course: Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900)

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