Azure - Exam

AI-900: Azure AI Fundamentals


Vipin | 27-Jul-23

Exam AI-900: Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals

This exam is your chance to show off your know-how in machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) concepts, along with Microsoft Azure services tied to them. As a candidate, you should be familiar with the self-paced or instructor-led learning material from Exam AI-900.

Now, here's the cool part – this exam is designed for folks from both technical and non-technical backgrounds. You don't need to be a data science or software engineering whiz, but having some basic knowledge of cloud stuff and client-server applications would definitely give you an edge.

The best thing is, if you rock the Azure AI Fundamentals exam, it can serve as a springboard for other Azure role-based certifications like Azure Data Scientist Associate or Azure AI Engineer Associate. But hey, just so you know, it's not a must-have prerequisite for any of them. So, give it a shot and show Azure what you've got!

Here is Microsoft official documentation: Exam AI-900: Microsoft Azure Artifical Intelligence

Is AI-900 Worth It for Systems Administrators?

Yo, Artificial Intelligence is all the rage these days! Everywhere you look, there's ChatGPT, bots, Alexa, and Siri personal assistants – AI talk is everywhere! And you know what? With such a crazy demand for AI services, we need skilled folks to create and manage them. That's where AI-900s comes as a fantastic entry point into the field, generally easier to pass, which gives you a huge confidence boost once you nail it. Plus, it really amps up your understanding of AI.

Passing a proctored exam and snagging that certification is like a shot of dopamine, no matter how easy or hard it was. It's a stepping stone that prepares you for the next level of certification and adds to your skillset. So, why not go for it and make AI your playground?

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